Press Books Show The Strength of Your Brand
After six months of a fashion public relations push, a press book is put together and is available in both PDF and two bound copies, one for the designer, and one for their sales representative or showroom. A fashion PR press book is extremely useful for presentations during sales meetings and trade shows. The editorial support demonstrates the credibility that has been attributed to the designer. Both buyers and consumers feel excitement surrounding the brand and, based on the credibility, do not feel risk associated to a purchase or order.

Press Books Show The Strength of Your Brand
After six months of a fashion public relations push, a press book is put together and is available in both PDF and two bound copies, one for the brand and one for their sales representative or showroom. A press book for fashion PR is extremely useful for presentations during sales meetings, trade shows and meetings with investors. The editorial support demonstrates the credibility that has been attributed to the designer. Both buyers and consumers feel excitement surrounding the brand and, based on the credibility, do not feel risk associated to a purchase or order.
A Press Book is all about promotional material. This could be for the credibility and popularity of the product being featured and brand buzz being built
A Press Book designed for a fashion brand that includes their latest season’s press coverage. These books act as a sales tool for potential buyers and investors as well as any members of the media to see what type of coverage has been secured and angles covered.

The value of Press Book in the digital age
Press kit development is also available upon request.
To remedy this, a virtual press book may be the solution.There is value in providing a ‘virtual press book’ to your client. Having a virtual press book allows access to your information at the client’s leisure depending how it’s set up.
Where in some cases you’re limited as to how you would like to express your brand’s story through a physical book, there are no limits to the level the of creativity that can be applied to it and wow your client. Where the physical book is limited to creative ways to engage the viewer, interactive applications i.e animations, videos, audio, call to action designs can be applied. Remember that each turn of the page or every click has a limited time to captivate and motivate the reader to continue on with your presentation.

Top 4 Tips for Press Book Creation
I. Make sure you have a clear idea of what your story is going to be and how you want to affect your audience.
We summarize the exciting placements obtained. The amount of placements you would like to put in your press book, your visual story may get convoluted. Make sure that you are focused on your theme and that theme is catered to your audience.
II. Be current and relevant.
Seeing a provider that is thriving in the client’s relevant field, has a stronger conversion chance than a producer that may have done something great in the past, but those occurrences are far and few inbetween.
III. Showcase your best placements.
Remember, this is your chance to not only impress your client, you want to titillate their curiosity that leads them to learn more and engage with your brand.
Please note:( we actually only compile press books currently, but we will be implementing a service to create press kits – there’s a difference)